Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weddings and Rahad

So during familial visit to Obeid, I made my way to Rahad. Well not that I crept into the night, I went with my cousin and great uncle. I met the medical director for Rahad hospital, the superintendent of schools, and the nazir/emir, i.e. the tribal head of the largest ethnic group in the area. It was a very fruitful and necessary visit. It was also a sad visit because there is an outbreak of cholera in Rahad. The medical director had gone to the capital of the province to ask for financial assistance from the state health ministry, as expected no help was given. It just emphasized to me how our federal spending is all wrong, and how the areas outside the capital are marginalized in every way. If all goes according to plan I should be in Rahad this Thursday. I'm really excited, in fact I had a dream last night that I was in a classroom, and I was accepting stool and urine samples from children.
As to my less than professional interest in one of my colleagues. We'll see what happens, nothing more romantic than being surrounded by feces, urine and blood. Rahad is where the action is at. The weather in Obeid was really nice, it rained so its kind of depressing being back in the hot, hot capital.
This morning we went to the airport to see off my new bride, my cousin. She's probably arrived by now in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia where she was no doubt met by her new husband. She ruined her make up with her tears and the tears of my relatives.
I'm feeling really tired and sleepy eventhough it is only 3pm. I have a tons of other things to do, so sadly I can't actually go to sleep.

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